Do You Hate Sunday

Do you hate sunday nights – J.R. Fisher

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• Survivalcave Inc./JR Fisher Training
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Video Transcript

Hey everybody. JR Fisher here do you hate Sunday nights. We’re going to talk about that. Do you hate Sunday nights. Well that’s kind of crazy. Why would you hate Sunday nights. You know I know when I used to work for somebody it was like Sunday night when it’s Sunday nights. Mean to me it meant I had to get to bed early. Right. It meant I couldn’t go out. It couldn’t do things and it usually meant some time in the afternoon. I would start thinking about my job on Monday morning. That was tough. You know if if you if you sit back and think about it that day off that one day off and sometimes I didn’t have some days off. You may have a job like that.

You actually have to work some days so you know Sunday nights is really bad right. But I knew that starting Sunday afternoon I would start thinking about Monday and start thinking about the commute and started thinking about put my tie on and having to get to work and the problems that were going to be there and oh my god the one day I had off which was Sunday I spent thinking about Monday. Tough thing to do now. I don’t I don’t do that anymore because Monday is like Sunday is like Saturday is like Wednesday it doesn’t matter. I’m doing what I want every day. And here’s the cool thing. Having an online business lets you enjoy every night of your life. OK. And sure you’ve got to work. I’m not going to tell you not to work.

If anybody tells you that you can make a ton of money online and you don’t have to work they’re lying to you. You want to run really far in the other direction you don’t want to be around those people. But honestly you can work when you want if you want to work in the mornings that’s cool.

If you want to work in the evenings that’s cool if you want to work at the after. If you want to take off a couple hours you could do that if you want to run to the gym if you want to have lunch with your family your wife your husband whatever you can do that you can do it with an online business and you don’t have to worry about Monday morning and spoiling your Sunday nights. Hey if you enjoyed this video share it with somebody. Maybe it will motivate them to start an online business and enjoy their Sunday nights. Don’t forget to Like Share and I love your comments too and feel free to subscribe so you can get more of my content. Fisher I’ll talk to you real soon.

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Go Ahead – Stalk Me!

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• Survivalcave Inc./JR Fisher Training
• Phone: 800-719-7650