Sending Emails

how to make 7329.16 in 2 hours sending emails – J.R. Fisher


Video Transcript

Hey guys. J.R Fisher here just finishing up a little tea here at Starbucks and getting ready for a coaching call then get ready to do. And I wanted to talk to you guys real quick. I know a lot of people are trying to do e-mails and the big thing about e-mails is you want to make money. If you don’t want to just be sending out e-mails and not getting you know the result out of it. So I want to give you a few tips that you could use in your e-mails that will definitely make you money. As a matter of fact I remember sending out an e-mail making over seven thousand dollars a little over two hours off one e-mail because I used these items. OK so let’s let’s go down the list here. Most email providers now will allow you to put the person’s name in the email so that you want to do that. You want to make it personal. If you can put their name in the e-mail it helps people love to see their name. And I know a lot of times you get e-mails and you say well I know they’ve automated that but it still gets to you when you see your own names to try to make it personal. Next thing is. Make it conversational. OK so you don’t want to write some high brow e-mail it’s got a bunch of big words and it’s all fancy and you know difficult to read just keep it conversational keep it. You know the way you would actually talk to an individual that’s it.

Sometimes I violate this rule but for the most part you want to keep it short. You want to have something that they can consume quickly. And I even go through an all bowled out certain words in the e mail to kind of if they’re going to jump around I’ll see those and I think that’s super super important. You also want to do that and keep it short. Also you won’t have good content. You have an e-mail that actually offers them something of value. Don’t just send an e-mail that rambles on that that just doesn’t do you any good. And if you keep them track you. That’s about number four. And then number five I would tell you is to have a call of action. OK. So don’t just send an e-mail where you ramble on about stuff and they don’t know why you even sent the e-mail. You know put on here put in the e-mail several spots. No Click here to get my free downloadable whatever Click here to save. Now whatever it is that you’re trying to do make sure that those call to actions are in there and there’s probably two to three maybe even four called actions and a bonus. Here’s a bonus right here. It’s put a P.S. In there. Always at the end put a P.S. and make sure in that P.S. You also have that called action. Now there are only two parts to an email two. OK. There aren’t 20 there aren’t 40. There’s two parts. The first one is the subject line and the next one is the e-mail.

But those two parts are vastly different in what you’re trying to accomplish a subject line is not to inform them what’s in the e-mail. You know a lot of people will put in their you know save 20 percent off today on our widgets. You don’t want to do that. The purpose of a subject line is to get them to click to open the e-mail. That’s it. OK so e-mail I just sounded sent out was you know here’s how I made seventy three hundred dollars in two hours and 13 minutes. And you know you go. Okay well how do you do that. So you’re all you’re probably going to click on that e-mail. So the purpose of the subject line understand is not to describe or to tell them what’s in the e-mail you don’t want to do that because if you tell them everything that’s in the e-mail. Guess what. They don’t need to read the e-mail. They can make a decision based on your subject line. So don’t do that. Now the e-mail. What’s the purpose of the e-mail. The e mail is to get them to click to go somewhere. That’s it. That’s the whole purpose of the e-mail. You want to give enough information where you pique their interest or where you’re talking about something you’re going to give them or something that they can receive or some huge discount they can get for a short period of time. So the whole purpose of your e-mail is just to get them to click to go to your sales page your blog page your video page whatever it is only two parts. OK.

So I hope that helps you a little bit. Kind of describes what you need to do in your e-mails if you’re doing those things you’re going to get good results if you want some more training on e-mails and how to build your e-mail list. I am doing a free training today. It is going to be at 11:00a.m. which is about an hour from now Specific Standard Time. I have just a few spots left. So if you want to jump in there and you want to get some really good free training you can ask questions get your personal situation you know evaluate it a little bit. And we usually give a little bonus information in there too. So that’s there’s going to be a link in the description you just click on that and you can go to that training so I hope that helps you guys out apply these techniques and you’ll get good results. I’ll talk to you soon.

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