Facebook Ads Account Disabled Banned Suspended

Facebook Ads Account Disabled Banned Suspended – JR Fisher


Video Transcript

Hey everybody. Hope you can hear me when we find the camera here because the camera is going to be there. So if I’m looking there I should be looking into the camera which is good thing right. So I want to make this quick video because a lot of people have problems with Facebook now. I don’t mean you know being able to do an ad or you know get their images or figure out their taxes or audiences all that I’m talking about people who have been doing Facebook ads for years and get their accounts banned.

I mean banned shut down. You know they’re making money either doing all the stuff they’re supposed to do and all of a sudden their account gets banned in it the first thing you think about is well why would Facebook want to kill anybody’s account but spending money with them. Mm. They got a lot of money. They don’t care. I don’t know. No I’m sure they care. But you know they’re they’re under a lot of pressure. You know Facebook is to make sure that they have a good user experience and in all fairness you know if you don’t have a good user experience with a platform you’re going to quit using it. So Facebook has put rules into place. I was talking to a friend the other day and he is in a health and fitness area and he lost his account.

He was spending close to two hundred thousand dollars a month on ads and Facebook shut his account down. Here’s the funny thing. He’s lost several accounts. So imagine this you get a product which is hard enough right. And you get it working and you start to make money on the product and then. All of a sudden they shut you down and they tell you nothing crickets nothing. You have no idea what happened and this can happen to anybody but you can actually mitigate the possibility of it happening by knowing a few rules. I put some notes down here so if I glanced down every now and it’s because I don’t want to miss them. But you know some of the things you can and can’t do may surprise you. You can’t really call people out on Facebook as if you know them and I’ll give you an example. You couldn’t say Are you a good Christian would you like to meet a nice Christian woman joined my dating site. You could never do that because that’s assuming that you know that about them. OK. You know you could do something along the lines of Meet the Christian women. You could probably do something along those lines you’d be OK there. The next thing is you couldn’t say Hey J.R. check out this shirt and then have a shirt with my name on it or somebody else’s name on it.

You could never use a name period because they don’t want the people to think that the companies are actually spying on them or know who they are. No that much information about so you could say hey you know we have these personalized T-shirts you can put anybody’s name on. Check it out. You know you could do something along those lines. Obviously you can’t do profane language or anything like that. I think most people know that these are things that can cost you your account or just not get approved. And you know this one person that just lost their account was telling you about it is in the health and fitness they have had that account for a couple of years.

And here’s the interesting thing. They not only it had that account for a couple of years but they haven’t been running the same kinds of ads over and over again. And then also one day they get disapproved and then their account gets banned. And how could that happen. I mean how could it happen that they would allow you to run it for two years and then all of a sudden stop you it could just be that somebody that day was different that looked at their ad and said oh no this is not acceptable. So it could be something as simple as that. You also don’t want to put forth any get rich quick type schemes you know I see it all the time you know where you know you can do this and you can do that and you’re going to make all this money overnight. And I know a lot of people will see these ads running online they say well I saw this ad running so I must be able to do an ad like that too. No that doesn’t mean you could do an ad like that too.

That just means that that other person has not been caught yet. OK. And when they get caught they’ll probably lose their account or you know get their ads disapproved or whatever the case may be you’re going to send all your people to somewhere ok some type of landing page whatever it is. And you know a couple types of pages you go send them to is in a lot of you know you can do this but you can send them to a Facebook group page you’re allowed to do that but you’re not allowed to send them to Facebook.

Wait a second did I say that right. You’re allowed to send them to a Facebook group page but you’re not allowed to send them to Facebook. Yeah that’s right. That’s right. And what I mean by that is you can’t send them to Facebook.com can’t do it can’t do it. That would be disallowed. Why anybody would want to run an ad. To Facebook.com Is beyond me. But that is one of their rules that’s probably not when you get caught up one. And of course the next thing is you’re going to send them to one of your own pages one of your own URL’s pages that are not allowed of course like I said or the Facebook home page. You cannot send them to an error page if it’s a page that says error on it you can’t send them there. Why would you do that. Why would you do that. Does it make any sense.

You can’t send them to any pages that are a geographic IP restriction zone. That sounds fancy doesn’t it. What is that a geographic IP restriction zone is let’s say you’re advertising in the United States and you’re sending it to a province of Iran that doesn’t allow that type of ad in Iran. So you can’t send them to that kind of page. So if you’re targeting some of these foreign countries you’re going to find you may have some difficulties. You cannot send them to a web of trust problem page In other words if your page has been flagged for some type of trust issue or something like that. Facebook is not going to allow you to do that. You’re also you cannot send them to a page that has prohibited content which you’ve got to go into Facebook and read what all it prohibited content is. And you also can’t send them to a page that requires them to opt in to see the page. A lot of people try that. Think of all my you know a whole bunch of e-mails of people interested and even if they don’t buy or they don’t opt in. You know I can get their e-mail addresses to this little pop up. Well you can’t do that. OK. So other landing page rules you may want to look at as you know don’t send them to a page that has minimal content. I mean if it has nothing or there nothing worthwhile don’t send them there anyhow.

You know if it’s low quality stuff don’t send them there. That’s not good. You can’t send them to pages that distract from your landing page original content. So if you’ve got a landing page and it’s got some content but it’s full of ads and pop ups and all these crazy things and embedded things in Facebook won’t allow it. Don’t even try it. You can’t bait people into clicking on your ad you know. For example you know you have some type of sexual thing or some hot girl or something you can’t do that you can’t send people to the pages like that. But if you’ve got a cropped image that doesn’t show everything. You also can’t send them to a page where you’re trying to monetized views and other example of that would be you know if you sent them to a page and they got to click on this box to view your content and you’re making money on that click won’t happen. Can’t do it. Can’t do that that’s not allowed. You don’t want to use any low quality advertiser means anything that’s trying to shock these people or you know sexual imagery or anything else that you can’t do that. So if you if you put if you put an ad in like that you’re almost certain that you’re going to get that ad disapproved. Now some of the things you can do is to always present good content. Makes sense right. Makes it easy to navigate. Makes it easy to get to that information.

Make sure that the content on your landing page is also relevant. Hey Steve what’s going on. Hey Claudy if there’s few people popping in there so you want to direct them to this relevant content. So if you have a piece of information on that ad and you send them to another page that doesn’t resemble it. That’s stupid. It won’t work. You can you can’t get that done. OK. So they’ll try it. You want to at best you know represent your brand so when they get there you know they know who you are. They understand that they get it. You know you can’t have an ad of you know somebody on a beach playing volleyball and they go to a football game you know landing page it makes no sense. OK. And you also can’t show any before and after pictures. So if you’re in health and fitness you can forget it. You know the guy that looks all slim and trim but he was fat pudgy guy before and got to work can’t do it. OK. So that’s not going to work for you. I just wanted to share some of these things with you because I know a lot of people will have a really hard time they’re losing their accounts they’re losing their ads or getting them disapproved and they’re frustrated and they don’t know why. You can certainly always go to Facebook and you can read some of the things in there that they tell you to do and not do. You also can’t do anything violence they don’t do any pictures of car crashes or people getting beat up or you know guns or those types of things. None of those things will fly and they’re not going to work for you OK.

One thing you can do which people don’t realize is you can use Facebook branding so you can take you know the little thumbs up thing that Facebook has a little blue box that Facebook has. But what they don’t allow is for you to change it. So if you were to take the logo of a Facebook that is blue and you make it red disallowed can’t do it won’t happen. But you also can’t use any of their old branding. Now this is insane but this is true in other words Facebook used to have a blue box with white lettering in it. If you use that Facebook emblem disallowed can’t do it. So you somehow have to know what the current branding is for Facebook on top of everything else you’ve got to know that. So that’s something else you want to look out for. So all of these things can really mess you up. They can cause you problems can cause your ads to be disallowed. And one last thing I want to add is text is out. You know text doesn’t do you any good. And when I say text I mean text on your picture if you’re putting an image in Facebook. The main thing you’re trying to do is get somebodies attention and get them to click on it. And if you punch up put a bunch of wording on there obviously people are going to know it’s an ad and if it’s an ad they’re not going to really be that interested unless you’re selling you know a direct product or something like that. Save all your text for the text area the description and all that. Basically the law used to be at Facebook. Anything over 20 percent of your image if it was text then it would not be shown much or not shown at all. OK so they don’t have that that hard and fast rule but I would stay below it that 20 percent. Fact I would put no text on it. That’s what we go to. The only thing that you may want to have a text on is like if you have a product that already has some text on it maybe you’re selling T-shirts and it’s got words on it and stuff like that. I have a book out there right now that is the four steps to find profitable products to sell online and that has words on the cover but I still try to keep it small so that we don’t have a problem there.

You stick to some of those rules. You’re gonna be for the most part pretty good but you’re not going to be 100 percent. You could still end up spending one hundred two hundred grand a month. I know it. I have friends that do it and still end up with your account banned. It can happen. And the bad thing about this guys is that if you do that you’ve built up this pixel this pixel has warmed up to that type of demographic. That type of niche. It knows those people it knows where to find those people it knows where to find those buyers and you do one thing wrong and. It’s gone. Your accounts gone. Now if you want a little trick I’m gonna give you a little trick and I give you a little wink. You can go to Facebook.com And let me read this down your Facebook.com Forward slash ads forward slash tools Fordward slash text underscore overlay. No kidding. I’ll put that in the comments but what you can do there is you can actually upload your image with the text on there and it will analyze it and tell you if it’s going to fly or not. OK so that’s kind of a cool thing you can do. Now check me out on Facebook. Check out our group which is the art of e-commerce success. You can go in there there’s tons of videos. There’s thousands of people now. It’s pretty cool that actually we’ll share ideas and there’s people in there that make millions of dollars online and there’s beginners too. So you know it’s a nice variety of people so check that out. I’ll see you in the next video. Talk to you later.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvk6h-nwi5w

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