Canva for YouTube - Mastering Thumbnail Design for More Views

Canva for YouTube – Mastering Thumbnail Design for More Subscribers and Views

đź’ŻCanva for YouTube – Mastering Thumbnail Design for More Subscribers and Views

I used to pay $50 -$100 for one thumbnail and if you’re doing a bunch of thumbnails a week, that’s too much money. Well, I found in Canva they have templates for thumbnails.

Now, I will show you how to make a thumbnail in seconds and you don’t have to go back and forth with some graphic designer. I will even be going to show you something you can do to your photo to make it pop I mean pop so much that they have to click your thumbnail to watch your video.

00:41 – âś…Canva Overview
01:53 – âś…Create a Design
02:10 – âś…Design Templates
03:17 – âś…Editing Thumbnail
05:13 – âś…Adding Images
06:16 – âś…Removing Photo Background
07:03 – âś…Adding Shadow, Outline, or Glow
08:14 – âś…Download and Save your Thumbnail

This is the stuff that I was paying people $50-$100 and now you know how to do it. You could go to Canva and get some of the same results. The templates are there and just pick one you like, upload a bunch of pictures of yourself doing different things, and you’re gonna save yourself a lot of time money, hassle, and not to mention the fact that more people are gonna click on your videos.

Check it out and start making your thumbnails in Canva. If you have additional questions or any questions to do with selling online, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments section below and I’d be happy to help you out.

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