📲7 apps for selling digital products on Shopify
Are you working in Shopify and you will sell digital products? Well, you’re a pretty smart cookie and I can tell you that right now. There’s a lot of money to be made on digital products. In this video, I want to show you the 7 best apps you can use with your Shopify store so you can make a lot of money.
These apps are going to help you out so much. It’s gonna make it so easy for you to make a lot more money with your Shopify store.
I’ve been doing digital products since 2015. Digital products are awesome. I have things I’ve done in 2015, and I still make money off of it and I recommend that you keep all your files in one place. I like to use dropbox to keep them all in one place and for each particular course, I keep the raw and edited file. That way I can always take the raw file and make any changes.
This video gives you some insight into these apps. These apps are awesome if you have a Shopify store. Please take advantage of these things. You may think that your audience isn’t interested in digital products but I can assure you that they are. You just don’t know it yet because you haven’t offered it to them. Why not offer it to them and see what you can do? It’s an added revenue for you and it can ongoing revenue, especially if it’s continuity, where they pay monthly or a membership.
If you have additional questions or any questions to do with selling online, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments section below and I’d be happy to help you out.