How to be successful with email marketing – email marketing best practices

How to be successful with email marketing? You’ve heard that a lot of people are making money with email marketing and you’d like to do that too? You’ve come to the right place. In this video, I’m gonna show you all the steps to successfully use email marketing. Do you know how to run a successful email campaign? It’s kinda tough and there’s a lot of competition.

On a daily basis, there 269 BILLION emails that go off. How do you think that yours is gonna be looked at, checked, or clicked on? It will definitely will if you follow this process. Email campaign emails you send out to people or businesses and asks them to do things, opt-in, click or buy your product. This is basically getting people to do some action.

They say email is dead but as a matter of fact, 90% of all adults and 74% of teenagers use email every single day. It may not be as strong as it used to but IT’S NOT DEAD!

Now, before you run a successful email campaign, you’ve got to be prepared. Here are the 10 steps that you need to prepare yourself before you run your own email campaign.

✅02:42 1. You need to build a list.

✅03:51 2. Know your goals.

✅05:43 3. Understand email types.

✅07:18 4. Know your audience.

✅07:50 5. Use technology wisely.

✅08:41 6. Create great opt-ins.

✅09:54 7. Planned email and follow-ups.

✅13:06 8. Craft a good subject line.

✅14:41 9. It’s time to write the copy.

✅16:42 10. Design an email that was easy to read.

✅18:22 11. Test and track.

I recommend the best email provider that I’ve been using:

✅Kartra all in one email provider:

✅Get Kartra Email & Funnel Maker for $1:

Now, have you tried to do an email campaign? Have you had success with email marketing? Please leave your comments below and I’d love to answer all your questions.

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