How to decide on what kind of course to sell – create and sell online courses

How to decide on what kind of course to sell? Now, if you’re trying to figure out the right course to sell online and trying to figure out how you’re gonna market it, you are in the right place because in this video I’m gonna show you how to figure out how to do the right course online and have people lining up to buy it.

I’ve seen people selling courses on almost everything. I’ve seen courses on gardening or sales techniques on cooking, you know there are courses on just about everything so no matter what you know, no matter what your knowledge is, it’s probably marketable right now and you can probably make some money on it just with the knowledge that you already have.

Let me tell you about Lynn Smith. Lynn Smith was actually a copywriter and he wrote a book on copywriting and how to make money online and he was making about $120,000 a year which is pretty darn good and he was pretty happy with that. He was then contacted by Udemy and Yoon-ah. They actually wanted to take his book and make a course out of i.t He took that book and made a course and put it on Udemy and almost instantly started making $2,000 to $4,000 extra a month from his courses. Once he figured out he could have this extra income, he started doing a couple more courses and he put a little bit more effort into it. He was making $6,500 a month off his courses just off Udemy. Now, he calculated that it would take him about 40 hours to do a course and the maintenance on it was only about 10 hours a week.

✅7:06 – 1. Figure out what could be popular by looking in courses that are already selling.

✅7:24 – 2. Make your course stand out.

✅7:36 – 3. Tackle a big subject.

How do you define the learning objectives of your actual course?

✅10:27 – 1. Doing an online course. Is that the right thing for you? It’s gonna be what you wanna do.

✅10:37 – 2. Find your course outline idea.

✅10:46 – 3. Just create an outline.

✅10:55 – 4. You gonna want to build your online content.

✅11:03 – 5. Pick a price.

✅11:13 – 6. Choose a launch model for your course.

✅11:26 – 7. Sell your course through email marketing.

✅11:47 – 8. You gonna need to write some sales pages that convert.

Now, if you’ve tried to do a course before all, you’ve thought about doing a course, what course are you gonna do? What is your idea for a course? What have you done? What are you having questions on? I would love to hear your comments below.


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