100% risk free business

100% Risk free business


Video Transcript

Hey everybody. JR Fisher here. I want to talk to you about. How to run a business. With zero risk no risk whatsoever. Nothing. No risk. What’s your story with you first. I had somebody come to me the other day and we were talking about marketing and we were talking about sales funnels and how they can market their product. And. They had this too. And I won’t say what it is because you may see in the market but they had this tool. And they had developed the packaging for it. And they were going to sell it. They had it manufacturer they. They spent a lot of money on inventory so they had all this inventory. And they had it manufactured in China. Which is fine. And they came to me and they said well I want to sell this. But I don’t know how to go back. And I said Well you know I would suggest the thing you want to do is. Run some ads and run some ads in a couple of pages and.

You know test out some audiences and test out some different offers and you know see which again. And they were like well now I’m not going to that. I could lose money. I mean if I write a bunch of ads and they don’t work then what. And. You know. They had a point. And the point was they didn’t want to have. Any risk whatsoever. And that was the title of this video. But. You may have guessed. That that’s impossible. You can’t run a business. And have zero risk. You know I mean. People who don’t want to have any risk shouldn’t should leave their house. I mean I’m I’m driving down Interstate 15 right now in Southern California heading north and there’s thousands of cars around me. It’s risky.

It’s risky. And some of these drivers they may not be good at what they do. But. Have you ever seen that I’ve ever seen any drivers in your town where they weren’t really that good at driving.

You know it’s funny because I travel to a lot of different towns and almost inevitably and every town will tell me you know the drivers here are really bad. And. I’m feeling like some of those people who are driving down the road. Complaining of other drivers may be bad drivers too. Is it possible. No. Maybe. Here’s the point. If you want to run a business. By the way the person. That didn’t want to run ads did. Did you catch the part they spent all the money on inventory first. They had all these products made. And they had no customers whatsoever. That’s funny stuff right. But. The thing is if you’re going to run a business you’re gonna run risk. I mean being born is a risk I mean you you’ve got skin that is going to protect you from bacteria. Or most of it. But then again you get vaccines don’t you. And you take precautions and you try to wash your hands. You try to use that because you want to mitigate that risk. And that’s what you’ve got to do with your business too is you’ve got to mitigate the risk a little bit. But there’s no avoiding risk. It’s just not going to happen. You’re going to have risk. You’re gonna have to spend money. And I guess the way to win at it is to know what to do when it goes wrong. OK. So. If you know what to do when it goes wrong you can make adjustments you can learn from and risk those mistakes those losses those failures whatever you want to call. And. Then you can do better.

And that’s how it works. Next to me can’t drop by the way is terrible is this all over the place. So.

What I’m telling you is don’t try to avoid risk. As a matter of fact you need to take risk and the more risk you take the more opportunities you’re going to find in the more times you’re going to win. But you’re going to lose more too. So you’ve got to kind of way that out. Now if you don’t want to take any risk I would suggest what you do is you go into your bedroom. And you sit in there and you don’t do anything at all. I mean you don’t do any of the only that room. But there’s always the chance that ceiling could fall in right. And then you’ve gained nothing because you state in your room over time. Realize You’ve got to take risk. Just thought I would share that with you today. When I went with the guy’s gonna do with all those products that he had made in China. We’ll see. We’ll see. Talk to you later.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2W8OaozYrs

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